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The First Institution of its Kind in Mexico

Established under government decree in 2016, the Universidad Politécnica de Yucatán is a semi-autonomous, public institution of higher education, that offers high-level and specialization programs of study in Data, Embedded Systems, Robotics, and Engineering, while simultaneously incorporating a Bilingual, International and Sustainable (BIS) model.

The Universidad Politecnica de Yucatan is part of a subsystem of Polytechnic and Technological Universities under the Secretariat of Public Education which is composed of 62 universities throughout the country- 22 of which are also certified using the Bilingual, International and Sustainable (BIS) model.
Combining three principal characteristics, from its conceptualization to its operational model, the UPY is the first university of its kind nationwide.




Constructed in coordination with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Industry,  represented by the CANIETI, the Universidad Politécnica de Yucatán was created as an institution focused on the high-specialization and development of human talent, with the goal of satisfying the demand and needs of the growing Mexican ICT Industries, which aim to increase the country's’ level of global competitiveness. 

The presence and involvement of ICT industries on campus, and in the University’s academic curriculum, serve to ensure the high relevance and pertinence of our educational programs. Through this exchange, our students acquire the practical skills and institutional knowledge necessary to work in the field of ICT- as they are continuously exposed to the operation of evolving modern technological devices, as well as exposed to modern day, real world scenarios present in the field.

Highly Specialized 

Considered as a “Niche University”, the UPY has a particular focus on one of the largest specialization and development areas in the Information and Communication Technology field- Disruptive Technologies.

Partnered ICT companies offer educational programs to our students that cover topics in the highly specialized areas that are setting worldwide trends in the denominated 4.0 Industry.

Amongst these specialized topics covered are those related to Automation of Knowledge Work (AWK), Internet of Things (IoT), computational robotics, artificial intelligence, 3-D printing, automated vehicles, Big Data, and embedded systems, among others.

BIS Model

The Bilingual, International, and Sustainable (BIS) model is a vanguard educational model that is unique to Latin America and serves to structure an English-Spanish pedagogical scheme at the UPY.

Implemented at the national level, through the General Coordination of Polytechnic and Technological Universities- under the Secretariat of Public Education-, the BIS model orients students to develop with a global framework. Through various forms of integral training, students are shaped and prepared to become successful professionals in their respective fields, with a high-level of English proficiency, an international vision, and an environmental consciousness. 

Our successful implementation of the BIS model lies in the high level of qualification and certification required of our teaching staff and administrators- in order to ensure the proper transmittal of teachings, in both Spanish and English, with an international focus, and sense of sustainability.

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© 2022 by Polytechnic University of Yucatan

Decentralized Public Organization of the Government of the State of Yucatan

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