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Professional stay

One of the distinctive characteristics of our curriculum is that of our structure of 3-training cycle quarters. At the end of each quarter there is a required professional experience (internship) students must complete in a field/ business complementary to that of their career path, and their final cycle culminates to the successful completion of a full-time project developed at a company/ institution of respective to the students’ career path (professional residency).

The idea behind this alternating model is to give students the opportunity to develop as professionals- to put into practice the knowledge, skills, know-how, attitudes, and values that are taught at the university during the previous cycles, and to face real work problems, and situations- giving flexibility and relevance to the programme by having students fulfill talent necessities within local production sectors.

Application Process

Academic Period 2022-2023

Ordinary Period for Professional Stay

January-April 2023

There will be 4th and 7th quarter students from our three engineering degrees, that is, who have already concluded their first and second cycle of academic training, who must carry out this professional practice exercise consisting of 120 hours. in a period of 6/8 weeks, considering an average workday of 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday in a virtual or hybrid way.


Considering the period from April 11 to 22, corresponding to Holy Week and Easter Week, the projects could be extended to a maximum of 200 hours in total.


Publication of the Call 

January 10


The Call for Professional Stays will be published on the website , thus considering the start of the respective process for the 2021-2022 school year


Online project registration and evaluation

January 10 to 28


Organizations interested in submitting projects to receive students who carry out their Professional Stay in the period from February 28 to April 8, 2022 must register these on the UPY website.


In the first instance,  you must request the  organization registration  in the UPY system in case of not having prior registration, for which it must appoint a representative person who will be the link between both institutions. Once the organization's registration has been validated, the company designated as the link will be able to initiate the  project capture  or projects that they wish to submit, in order to request their registration and validation.  


For each project, a responsible person may be designated who may be the same or different from the person designated as the link with the UPY.


The projects submitted by the organizations will be reviewed and validated by the Academic Secretary, ensuring that they adhere to the competencies of the profiles according to the educational program to which it is required and that the established scope is in accordance with said competencies and the times established in each announcement.


Each project may have three different status:

  1. Approved.- The project is relevant to the profile of the students according to the competences of the study program to which it is directed, as well as feasible to fulfill in the established time, which will be notified to the person representing the organization. These projects will be made known to the students in the possibility of carrying out their Professional Stay on the date established by the call.

  2. Conditional.- The project requires some adjustment, which will be indicated by the reviewer through the capture system, and the corresponding modification must be made in order to be able to be subjected to a second review, pending approval. The notification will be sent to the person representing the organization for modification from your account.

  3. Rejected.- The project is not relevant to the profile of the students according to the competences of the study program to which it is directed. In this case, the organization will receive a notification and will be able to submit a new project if so considered.


- Informative brochure ( Download )

- Request company registration (Start) 

- Start the registration of project (s) ( Start )

- Download support format for project registration (Download)


Information session with students

January 11 / 1:30 p.m.


In order to resolve doubts about this call, an information session will be held with the students in the possibility of carrying out their Professional Stay period, which will be carried out through the institutional platform.


Information session with organizations

January 12 / 9:00 a.m.


In order to resolve doubts about this call, as well as to provide relevant information related to the exercise of the Professional Stay, an information session will be held with the organizations that are interested in submitting projects. In this session, the presentation of the institutional platform and the procedure for registering organizations will also be held, as well as the registration of projects in it.

Publication of approved projects in the PICE

February 7th


As of February 7, students who are able to carry out their Professional Stay will be able to view in their PICE session, the projects that are related to their study program and that have been previously validated by the Academic Secretary. Right there they will be able to consult the details of each project and start the process of linking to the one or those of interest to them.


Period of Linking of Professional Stay

February 7 to 18


Students who are able to carry out their Professional Stay, must contact directly the person responsible for the project that is of interest to them, for which they must initially send the following documentation via email.

  1. Cover letter generated from the PICE

  2. Curriculum vitae

  3. Proof of validity of the optional IMSS insurance


Additionally, the organization may establish the selection procedure that it considers best, which may include interviews, psychometric tests or specific knowledge tests, among others, as well as request additional information and documentation, including the signing of confidentiality agreements.


The organization is completely free to select and accept the students that it considers to best adhere to the profile required for each project, which will notify the students who request to join the project formally.


In the same way, students who are able to carry out their Professional Stay, may apply to the number of projects that are of interest to them and accept the one they consider that will best help them to put into practice the skills according to their study program, acquired through throughout their academic training.

Request for formalization of project linkage 

February 7 to 18

Once the organization has accepted the students in the possibility of carrying out their Professional Stay and has notified them of this decision, the student must request from their PICE profile to formalize the link to the Professional Stay project and for which they must:

  1. Generate and download the formalization letter from the PICE

  2. Sign the formalization letter

  3. Obtain the signature of the formalization letter by the person representing the organization

  4. Upload the duly signed formalization letter, in PDF format, in your PICE profile, to activate the "request formalization" button, which you must press to complete said step.


The maximum date to request the formalization of the link to the project will be Friday, December 18. If this step is not completed by the deadline, it will be understood that the student does not have a stay project to carry out and must re-enroll in the immediately following semester to repeat the procedure in an extraordinary way.



Validation of the formalization of the stay project

February 21 to 25


Requests for formalization of link to project of staysreceived on time through the PICE, they will be validated by the Academic Secretary in order to be able to approve them, as well as assign the figure of academic advisor according to each project required.


Once the application has been validated and the figure of academic advisor has been assigned for each project, both the student and the figure of academic advisor will receive a notification to their institutional email.  


In the same way, the academic advisor will be able to generate from their PICE profile the cover letter that they must send to their organizational counterpart in order to have a first contact and formally present themselves.



Professional stay period

February 28 to April 8


As of February 28, the students who will carry out their Professional Stay must report directly to the person designated according to the accepted project, at the time and with the conditions agreed in it, complying at all times with the regulations and guidelines that will apply, both by the organization and those in force by the UPY.


On a weekly basis, you should contact your assigned academic advisor for follow-up, through the PICE, in order to verify progress throughout the 6-week duration of the Professional Stay.


For the accreditation of the Professional Stay, a final evaluation will be carried out that will consist of a presentation of the final results of the project according to the format and rubric that the Academic Secretary issues. Said final evaluation will be in charge of the figure of academic advisor and his / her organizational counterpart, however, in the presentation, a personal part of the organization that is considered relevant may also form part of the organization in order to know the scope generated by the project. of Professional Stay, however, their presence will be as invited persons, being able to make observations regarding the project and the performance of the students, but they will not carry out any evaluation.


The deadline for uploading the final evaluation by the academic advisor and his / her organizational counterpart in the PICE will be April 29.


For more information, please contact the Office of Professional Experience of the Relations Office at +52 (999) 3167153 ext. 108 to email or

Las estancias en modalidad mixta y/o presencial, deberán apegarse a los lineamientos y protocolos emitidos por las autoridades competentes a fin de garantizar la seguridad del estudiantado y de miembros de la organización receptora.

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